
Sunday, August 24, 2014

7 Animals That Have Unique Mating Process

we know that there are many species of animal in this world. but we just have little information about their habit, population, even their Mating habit. now we will give u and information about it. so let's check it out
1 Bees
The reproductive cycle of bees is fascinating and complex. Here's the story: a queen is selectively bred in a "queen cell" in a special nest and fed royal jelly by worker bees to induce her to become sexually mature.
A queen is still "virgin" that can persist into adulthood without being killed by rival will do marriage with approximately a dozen drones (male bees of the tens of thousands who qualify in the colony). But do not call it lucky, because during mating, the male genitalia bees will explode and "snap off inside the queen" Of course the drones is dead.

2 Bonobos
Who says that violence is the only way to finish the fight because of the seizure of the food or territory? Instead of fighting, bonobos have sex, Actually, their whole social structure seems to revolve around sex.
Bonobos use sex as greetings, for the settlement of disputes, fights, and as a reward in exchange of food.

3 Flat Worms
If bonobos do "penis fencing" as foreplay, flatworms do so in a real sense.
For flatworms, sex is more like war than love. Like all sea slugs, flatworms are hermaphrodites (they have the sexual organs of men and women). In this case, the male organ they turned out to be two dagger-like penises that they use for hunting and mating. During mating, two flatworms fight (ie "penis fencing") for each stab each other, while avoiding punctures partner.
The loser (who has been wounded) will absorb the sperm through the skin and then bear the burden of the mother (female).

4. Frigatebirds
A male Frigatebirds have a throat pouch that can inflate with hard work that takes time for twenty minutes so that it becomes a giant red heart-shaped balloon. He then shook his head from side to side, shook his wings and calls the females to see it.
the females Frigatebirds will mate with males with the largest and most shiny balloons. When mated, the male bird will sweetly put his wings over the females eyes to make sure his attention is not distracted by other males with even more beautiful balloon.

5. Giraffe With their long necks, marriage is hard thing for a male giraffe. So, when a male interested in a female giraffe, he will perform a procedure known as "fleshmen sequences". First, the male will drive the female ass to stimulate urination. Then the male drink female urine. If it taste good according to him, the males start mating with females. Actually, the word "start mating" perhaps too strong: in fact male giraffe basically continue to follow the female until the female gave up and let the male mating with it!

6 Dolphins
Here's something you may not know about dolphins: they have retractable penises. And if that was not cool enough, here's something else: his penis can be used to grasp. And can rotate. In fact, the male dolphin can use his penis to explore objects just like tangan.lumba male dolphins also have a very strong sex drive.
Another fact is that male dolphins have a ravenous sexual appetite: they often try to have sex with inanimate objects and even other animals like sea turtles. When a bunch of male dolphins dolphins meet females, often times they will try to force females to mate.
7 Clownfish
In the Disney animated film "Finding Nemo", animators forgot to tell you one thing about clownfish: they can change gender!
Clownfish live in a group consisting of a pair of male and female can breed, as well as some non-breeding males. There is a strict hierarchy in the group based on size: the largest fish is the female, next largest is the male, and then the other group members are non-breeding males.
If the female dies (or human bait, the largest male will change sex into a female then the largest of the non-breeding males will get a promotion to become a male accompanying the female.
ok that is the information about 7 Animals That Have Unique Mating Process

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